Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Job Fair at Easley Winery

Do you love wine?
Would you like to share your enthusiasm for wine with others at a fun, dynamic, growing local winery?
Employment at Easley Winery may be for you!

The spring job fair at Easley Winery will take place from 9am-12pm on April 24 & 25. All those interested in employment at Easley Winery should bring their resumes to Easley Winery at that time.

Basic Requirements for Employment at Easley Winery:
  • Each person must be able to get a license from the state of Indiana
  • Must be able to lift 40lb
  • Be able to work at least 3 Saturdays a month and Wine Garden Tuesday evenings

Full, part time, and seasonal positions available.

All new employees of Easley Winery will receive in-depth paid wine education and training.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Knit and Purl at Easley Winery

Are you a knitter who also enjoys wine?

Come to Easley Winery on Sunday, March 22 from 12-4pm as the Mass Ave Knit Shop and Easley Winery pair up for a fun afternoon like no other. Bring your needles and knit in a fun setting as you visit with with the ladies from Mass Ave Knit Shop. They will be demonstrating knitting techniques, showing off some of their favorite new yarns, and knitting! Those who are interested are also welcome to tour the winery and round out their afternoon with wine and yarn education!

Cost: $5 includes one glass of wine, sparkling grape juice or soda. All ages welcome.